An invasive plant species, yellow floating heart (Nymphoides peltata), has successfully colonized Lake Carl Blackwell. Stephen's research is a management-based
approach studying the efficacy of herbicide treatment targeting this invasive species
over time. His monitoring methods include using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery
and multispectral satellite imagery to track the spatial extent and health of yellow
floating heart. UAVs allow for very fine resolution imagery for improved detection
accuracy, while satellite data allows for normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
calculation. The objective of the research is to use these remote sensing tools to
determine how the infestation is temporally changing, which will then aid in management
decisions moving forward.
Stephen Angle received his B.S. in Environmental Science from Oklahoma State in Spring
2017. His favorite activities are fishing, kayaking, hunting, and watching Thunder
games. Stephen’s career interests include water quality monitoring, watershed planning
and restoration, and geographic information systems (GIS) of natural resources. Stephen
is an active volunteer in the Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s Blue Thumb stream
monitoring program and the current president of the Society of Environmental Scientists.